Un bec soufflé Fondation
The importance of protecting and respecting immunosuppressed people.
Life, while being immuno-protected
Many people are affected by an immune system disorder, whether it is hereditary or a result of an illness or medical treatment. These immunosuppressed, immunocompromised or immunodeficient people have little protection against the risks of infection from those around them and their environment. For the Foundation Un Bec Soufflé we choose to use the term “IMMUNOSUPPRESSED person” as it is most commonly known label among the population.Our vision
Our mission
To protect and facilitate the daily life of people affected by an immune deficiency.
How? By allowing their medical condition to be displayed while using an object identifiable with the logo of the Un Bec Soufflé Foundation. We have therefore created an identifier that we call “Foundation ID” cuff style which has printed on it “I am an immunosuppressed person, see my health card inside” This can be installed on the seat belt, shoulder bag, backpack, handbag, stroller, baby carrier or any other suitable visible place. Currently with the compulsory wearing of a face cover in public places, we have also created a medical mask face covering with our logo and promote that can should be worn by an immunosuppressed person in order to stand out and, more specifically to make people aware of their state of health.
Devote oneself to teaching the social reality of immunosuppressed people
How? Through the promotion of the “Un Bec Soufflé” logo for consciousness and social awareness.
Promote the logo of the Un Bec Soufflé Foundation so that it is easily recognizable by all and encourages the population to use acts of kindness that are aimed at protecting the people who are wearing it.
How? Taking advantage of the inspiring people who must bear the impact on their lives with the daily inconveniences experienced by their immune condition but also, seek the advice of the most informed minds working in the medical scientific or social communities.